Here is my opinion for what it's worth. And it's free.

Most people can see that there was definitely weird stuff that went on with the election. The question is what and how much. Was it in great enough number to affect the results? I don't know.

The lawsuits I got any info on were dismissed over procedural issues not lack of merit. So nobody really knows whether or not there was merit.

My issue is this. I want to see the evidence. If there was fraud those responsible need severely punished. If there wasn't, those claiming proof should be punished. Either way, a large part of the US believes the trust in the election process has been damaged. Either by fraud or by misinformation.

It's really simple. One group is lying through their teeth. If there is evidence drop it and let the chips fall where they may. If they lied...... Well, prison is probably a pretty good place for them.
Heck, If I was Biden I would be demanding they release their evidence. Screaming it from the rooftops.

JYD #113

I'm getting to old for this Stuff................