LOL, it's why normal people continue to distrust the media. That guy represents Christians just as much Falun Gong represents Buddism.

I don't think anything is going to change anytime soon. The left seems to be more anti-religion and will constantly attack those of faith. Those of faith look at a large part of the left as their polar opposites.

The middle majority gets hosed because the media paints with a broad brush. The media seems more like propaganda than news and it has been for a while. It's just becoming very flagrant. I'm surprised anyone buys into it but I think not as many people like to think for themselves anymore and dig no further than a headline.

I was watching cartoons with my kid and there were definitely political statements made during commercials for the station. One was enough for my kid to look at me for a reaction because she wasn't happy about it. I'm glad she is smart enough to see when she is being misguided.

Unfortunately, it's something that's being forced down our throats as an agenda. We have all heard if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough people will believe it.

I really miss being given information and then making up my mind how I felt about it.

JYD #113

I'm getting to old for this Stuff................