I THINK I picked up a Savage 10SBA in 6.5CM with a 20" bull barrell for Christmas, though it has yet to show up. Original vendor (centerfireguns.com) was TERRIBLE. No phone number, never answered emails, didn't bother to tell me until last week that they were not able to get the gun and would be sending back my PMO. By that time the model was almost universally sold out (Savage stopped making that model in favor of a different one). Found it for $50 more on another site, but still under $400, which to me, is a win for a non-Axis Savage with a lot of upgrades on it

If anyone is looking for an inexpensive 6.5C I know of an online retailer that has Thompson Center Compass in 6.5 Creedmoor for $269.99 + $8.99 shipping (no CC fees).
Send me a private message if you want a link to the site. I've bought A LOT of guns, ammo and mags from this place over the past 20 years. I have always received what I ordered, but occasionally the gun won't be "cosmetically perfect"...but I rarely get a "perfect" gun nowadays ... regardless of the cost. I don't think they sell seconds or returns ... they just have tons of guns. I know they ordered 1,000 Steyr SSG when Steyr announced they were discontinuing the model so I think stuff is "shoveled in and shoveled out".