I used the cooler part of the day to get some work done. I had a bunch of low-hanging limbs on some trees and shrubs that were making mowing a literal pain. So I took a chainsaw and limb lopper to trees and shrubs. Got half the mowing done when it was cooler. I spent a few hours getting an old gas generator up and running again. When I moved 3 years ago I thought I had drained all the fuel out of it. In fact, I had not. The fuel lines looked like they were filled with old honey. I drained everything, removed the fuel petcock, took apart the carb, and cleaned everything up.

It runs like a champ now. Unfortunately, the circuit breaker must have gotten broken during the move. A big piece was missing from the side of the breaker housing and you couldn't get the breaker turned on. I was able to order one without much issue. The motor is running and idling up when it needs to, the power meter is showing I have the proper amount of juice. I just need to replace the breaker and it should be good to go again.

We have had a rash of power outages this year. Snow snapped miles of powerlines in a freak storm late winter/early spring. We had an outage last night across most of the area. Today the other side of town has no power since a trash truck took out a power pole. The same area had some guy run from the local constabulatory and smash a pole causing another outage last month.

I'm hedging my bets. A Solar generator and a gas generator should get me by for a little bit if the pattern keeps up.

JYD #113

I'm getting to old for this Stuff................