Afternoon Yard!

I'm glad I got my generator up and running again. Electricity has been sporadic here lately. There was a freak electrical storm hear early this morning. It took out the power a whole lot of places. It completely took out my daughter's workplace. Her small building was struck numerous times. Anything electrical is fried. It took out the surge protectors and still killed the hardrives, took out the power from blowing transformers and killed their backup generator.

We have power but a bunch of people don't. I need to see about having an electrician come out and wire the house so I can plug my generator into the house. It will beat trying to run cords to the essentials.

Otherwise, I'm doing some yard work and trying to refresh my carbine work. It's been a hot minute since I have spent any quality time with my old work gun. I'm rusty.

JYD #113

I'm getting to old for this Stuff................