I hear you about the IRRESPONSIBLE owner. There is an older couple that lives in our area (about a block and a half away) that walks their dog around our block all the time. I have seen each one of them stand on the edge of the road while their dog goes to the limit of it's 5 meter leash and does it's business in the neighbors yard. I even watched the lady walk up into someone's yard 20 feet and let her dog once again go to the end of it's leash and crap right next to the neighbors front steps!

She pulled this stunt once while I was coming out the door. I told her in a NOT to soft voice that I would really appreciate it if she would not let her dog come up into my yard to do it's business. She stammered and said that she just wasn't paying attention. She lied! She watched the dog the whole time.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog