So for your consideration. The Busse B4 is the 3rd of four knives to be offered. The Yards 711 is the 2nd of 6 to be offered. And the Swamps 911 is just the 1st of 6 to be offered. I'm thinking the Rats should be allowed the next offering. How about some equal time on those grinders eh? And make it a 311, please.
So does this production scheduling seem a little lopsided or what?

Ah, not really. The Busse name brings in the most money, I'd think. So naturally they'll maximize cash flow by running the most profitable stuff.

Yea but, given the price ratios, I would think that more rats, and even more Scrapyard knives are sold. But I relize there is a solid Hog support structure going on there.

JYD 139
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty",Thomas Jefferson