Again, thank you bill. If it wasn't for the folks we like there, we would not be going there any more. And You are EXACTLY right.

Many years ago, our pastor was in school with me. He was "On the fringe" if you understand what I mean. He was not well liked and he (by his own mouth to us) blamed the teachers for his inability to learn. He made it through a bible college so he has the ability.

Anyway, once he told us that he was going to prove to "OUR TOWN" that he was not the looser "THEY" thought he was when we were younger. Now don't get me wrong, he has the ABILITY to preach a good sermon and he has. But he is letting more of his own personality enter into it all the time and he does not see that he is doing anything wrong. The "Church" knows what he is doing but HE is just blaming US as not being receptive to his messages. Our only hope to find someone that is what a pastor should be is for him to quit. "THEY" will not vote him out.

Oh well, you have just proved again that you are wiser than you think, and are more religious in your thinking than you realize. You TRULY are a good, wise and honorable man.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog