On a lighter note Dave (the guy that hit the deer) had to ride his bike for almost an hour until he hit town.
He was scared if he stopped he wouldn't be able to keep the bike up.
Cell service is spotty up there so he didn't want to fall over and not be able to call for help.

Holy smokes that would suck. But I'm glad he made it. Must of beena lot of adrenaline pumping thorugh him!
I am 46 and Dave is at least 5 or 6 years older than me.
He is about 5'6" tall and built like a tank, I've known him since 1990 or 91 and he has been a hardcore powerlifter the whole time.
I am surprised anything this side of an Abrams tank could break his leg

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102