Morning Yard!

Politics in the US is interesting. The Constitution is wonderful though. It prevents a lot of bad laws from taking hold.

I have testified before legislation at a state level several times and spent far more time in the Capitol than I cared for. I was pretty shocked at the blatant political Graft that occurs right in the open in the common areas. Lobbyists are the bane of our political system. I lost a lot of respect for some politicians that I thought I knew. I can't imagine how bad some of them are. I have sat down for hours answering questions drafting ideas and laws to deal with the scourge of Meth labs we had years ago. I will say it was worth it. Labs are down to an almost non-existent level here due to those laws and a few other circumstances that came together. I didn't get everything I wanted but people shouldn't be moving into a known lab location without warning. If they are there is recourse now.

JYD #113

I'm getting to old for this Stuff................