Originally Posted by SkunkHunter
You gotta get schooling to fly a Drone?!

Yep, If an LEO requests to see your TRUST document you have to provide it. If you don't it's a paddling. LOL, it was free easy just really weird. I can see it for some of the more powerful drones. But it literally includes the cheap indoor children's toys. It's odd. If you use it to make money on YouTube posting videos it requires a commercial drone pilot's license. For real. And if it is over. 55 lbs it requires a transponder and must be registered,

I'm waiting to take delivery of a small but capable camera drone. No License, no transponder but does cool things. I figured I would knock out the required safety training and I have been spending a little time using a drone flight simulator to try and get ahead of the curve on flying it. One of the YouTube preppers I occasionally watch pointed out some good uses for one. On top of the pure entertainment value, it seems like a decent buy.

I'll see how it works out but from all the stuff I have seen online, it appears to be a solid usable camera drone. That can be flown 4 different ways. Each with its own advantages. Unfortunately, the most fun way isn't available in the U.S. yet. Canada and everywhere else beat us by months on the release for FPV flying.

JYD #113

I'm getting to old for this Stuff................