Switching gears here.

I've never owned a SAK because I can never find one that has exactly the tools I want and nothing else. I would love to get a farmer with an added Phillips.

The other day I was thinking to myself that I would love one with a main blade and a saw and that's it. Did a search and nothing. Yesterday I stumbled upon one with those two tools plus an awl. I can find use for an awl, so I just bought it. It's a bit pricy, but it's made by SwissBianco so that's expected. I paid $55 including all fees, and I'm fine with that.

This is my first SAK and I hope it doesn't lead to another addiction.

USMC 1997-2002. 6173 CH-53D Sea Stallion Helicopter Crew Chief and Flightline Mechanic. Semper Fi!

"Be still, Taggart!"