other than a couple cold steel recons and a benchmade grip that i use for junkers here is the folders i own.the striders i just got recently.

strider cc
strider SmG
ZT 301
TOPS thunderhawk
emerson CQC-14 "snubby"

[Linked Image from i234.photobucket.com]
[Linked Image from i234.photobucket.com]
[Linked Image from i234.photobucket.com]

all are frame locks except the emerson.the emerson is decent,i EDC'ed it for over a year and the WAVE feature can be a gift and a curse.the blade is 2.7in so it is legal in states with a 3in limit.lock-up on emerson is hit and mmiss.i got lucky.

the striders are incredible and where all they where hyped up to be imo.the CC is just a miniature version of the Smg without a pocket clip and with the handles rounded off and contoured for more comfortable pocket carry.the SmG is my full time EDC now and will be for a long,long time.

the ZT actually impresses me more than the striders and would honestly eat them for lunch.it is just such a brute.its like a rhinoceros.i gave it a third world satin finish because i couldnt stand the camouflage stripes that the blade had on it.i also took out the torsion bar for the assisted opening.mine opens and closes a lot better without it actually.its smoother,not jerky.i EEDC'ed it for maybe 6 months or more but traded it for the SmG because its so big and bulky on you pocket.if you shop around you can get these for under $200.

the TOPS is a hidden gem you never hear about.Ti & G10 frame-lock.N690Co. blade gets sharp and gets sharp easily maybe better than any knife i own strangely enough.no blade wiggle and is the lightest other than the strider CC.its a very "slept on" blade imo.i dont EDC it partly because its tip up carry only and its light weight make it perfect for my B.O.B.

the benchmade rift,ruckus and mini ruckus are the next folders i'm looking into or maybe rockstar from jim burke

Northern-1...aka Bad2TheBone...aka NorthernMarsh 1st member of Scrapyard hatchet/hawk club