I broke the tip off a 420 HC Buck Odyssey using it as a screwdriver and it broke but it was easy to regrind.

I usually like plain edges but everyone needs at least one big dramatic fully serrated spyderco. I would love a Massod in CF fully serrated but I had always wanted a Police since they first came out.
Partial serrations suck because you have 2 short useless edges. A long fully serrated like the police is like a portable chainsaw and a great self defense folder because it is tiny clipped but huge and intimidating open.

An Endura stainless in VG10 is a steal at about 65$.
I am really loving this Police sheath. It is so neat but it is a little strange to use. If you try to stick the knife straight in it won't go no matter how hard you push but put a little curve on your push and it is really easy. It will never fall out but it is easy once you learn the trick to put it in.

"if you want to be a hero you have to learn to drive stick"! Sara Conner