I am not so sure about the Rock Salt. I think it is one of those knives I woud have to see in person first.

I really like the looks of your Pelican Tyger ,if it is discontinued you got lucky
finding one.

I don't like american Tantos ,I don't like partially Serrated blades and I was not very fond of my Emerson Commander. So naturally I just bought a partially serrated CQ7 off the CGN exchange. I just could not help myself it was 60$ and it is a classic and since I had already ordered an Atwrench from the guy I offered him 50$
and he took it. So a nice Emerson for 50$ and who knows if I end up liking it great and if not it will make a great gift at a Byrd price.
[Linked Image from i529.photobucket.com]

So anyone else helpless to resist a good deal on a knife?

Andy by all means get the Yang. It is my moost used knife ever and my Mom loves it.

"if you want to be a hero you have to learn to drive stick"! Sara Conner