I just did the opposite sort of
I decided to try out a ka-bar dozier folder, It is orange and cost about $20
Aus 8 steel isn't great, but I just needed to try one out
My usual edc is an endura 4 with the zdp189 blade
I also just bought a g10 police

I started with common knives. Kept moving up. Continued to move up, carried on...discovered the XM. Done for now, it does everything I need it to do.
Well my case traditional folders do everything I need
I am just too much of a cheap blankety blank to spend that much on a folder
The most I ever paid for a folder was $120 for my Spyderco military and the most I have ever paid for a knife is my 1311

Exactly what I'm suggesting when I say "I found what's right for me" or say that "others needs / wants differ from my own".
I knew what you meant and I agree totally
The only reason that I edc a bunch of different knives in rotation is for fun
I carried the same old timer trapper model folder for 15 or 20 years
I just like knives
I bought the g10 police because I like good deals as well

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102