I'd like a Stretch eventually as well, I think. I have a couple Manix, and they're great. I don't take one w/ me all the time, but if I know I'll be doing a lot of cutting, it goes in my pocket.

I'd still like to get my hands on a Spyderco Mouse or a Bladetech Mouse (G10) - I have the Bladetech Mouse Lite (FRN), really like it, but the G10 version is backordered and out of production... Gonna have to wait...

Sometimes its best to just have a little tiny tiny folder (such as when I'm on campus). That Lava will SLASH though, if needed. The grip, although small, is very secure.

I have a bunch of SAKs as well, and usually carry my Vic Soldier.

I blame my Spydie addiction on Mag22, and my Vic addiction on Mag and Jeeps. I didn't give them a second glance until I saw those guys praising them up and down.