Yup, I've found mine as well. Those three do everything I would ever want a folder to accomplish.

To again list MY carry folders

1. Small Sebenza classic MM with black micarta inlays.
2. Umnumzaan. I just love this knife as a larger folder and the false edge on it is awesome looking.
3. The one that never leaves my pocket UNLESS it there is a REAL need. But there have been times that I have had my hand on it for a while, the Emerson Combat Karambit.

I have never taken actual lessons, but I have read a lot and have a couple books. I mainly go over scenarios in my mind and single person "shadow boxing".

I know this is not ideal by any means, but it is all that is available in this part of the country. Hopefully I have "rehearsed" enough to perform if needed.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 12/23/12 11:13 PM.

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