Yup I hear you. In the long run, "Messing" with the motor would probably shorten it't life.

Ok. My dad bought a 1968 Delmont 88 Olds. It was a former Highway Patrol radar car (so he was told). Run! Are you kidding me! The speedo showed 120, but at about the 4 o'clock position. I had it where the needle was pointed straignt down at the 6 o'clock position. It was LIGHT at that speed. Anyway, long story short, it was Every boys dream. Ran like a stripped ape and would SMOKE THE TIRES OFF THE LINE! One coming back home from a basket ball game I blew the engine doing 120. Coasted for about 2 miles, pulled into a gas station and called Dad. HE WAS NOT HAPPY! But MY saving grace is that Mom had driven it twice without water! once a radiator leak and once with a busted hose. Dad relented and layed AT LEAST some of the blame on her so it wasn't so bad for me. Anyway, dad got a 454 and put in it and it DID NOT RUN HALF AS FAST AS THE OLD ONE! The old one was supposed to have been a 350 but MAN WOULD IT RUN! Wish I had that car now. It looked good and was QUICK!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog