Has anyone ever lost a cell phone due to stupidity? Then to top it off that is the main line of coms so you are really lost? Well I did, still yet to pick a new one but as I have been driving around the last few days I forgot how nice it is without calls coming in or going out. What did we do before we had the convience of cell phones==changed our own tire, called on land line, set up dates/meetings before had, etc. Reality check and flash back.......just interesting to say the least.
I am the 24-hour emergency contact for work (first of three on a list) and carry a cellphone. About 3 years ago while on vacation camping, the only cell service was in the middle of the lake.
Every morning and evening I would row out to the middle of the lake and check my messages.
On the third or fourth day my wife lost it and threaten to throw the cell in the lake
Now that is interesting the lake was the conductor. Generally it is a kill zone, or was with the old analogue ones.
The phone was analogue/digital and I remember it only showed 1 bar on signal strength

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102